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Jais’ Action Puts Islam in Bad Light

A PAS member today slammed the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s (Jais) action, lamenting that the authority has put Islam in a bad light by “crashing” a Hindu wedding in Petaling Jaya last Sunday.

Khalid Samad, PAS’ Shah Alam MP, told The Rakyat Post today that Jais should have contacted the Malaysia Hindu Sangam (MHS) and asked for the organisation’s help before it raided the wedding.

He said that Jais could have also discreetly checked with the priest who was hired to conduct the wedding, and call in the bride and her partner thereafter, to discuss the matter.

“Jais must rightfully work hand-in-hand with other religious organisations in matters like this.

“Don’t flex your muscles unnecessarily simply because you have the power, as this smears the religion’s (Islam) image,” Khalid said.

He was commenting on the manner Jais had raided the wedding between a bride who is believed to be Muslim and her partner which was held at a Hindu temple.

On Sunday, it was reported that several officers and policemen had interrupted the wedding following reports that the 32-year-old bride could be a Muslim.
The bride had however, claimed that her father, who had abandoned his family, had registered her as a Muslim but she grew up a Hindu.

Jais officers had then inspected the bride’s Mykad and found her to be defined as a Muslim, after which she was taken away for questioning and released.

“It is definitely wrong… morally wrong,” says Khalid.

“I am pretty sure Jais had received the report way earlier, and they should have started their checks then, instead of crashing her wedding.”

Khalid said that Jais must also start forging good ties with other non-Muslim religious bodies to gauge a better understanding on the faith of others.

“They (Jais) must also learn how to respect the beliefs of others… cannot abuse their powers like this.

“What I want to emphasise, is that Jais, in the eyes of many, represent Islam and if they act like this, which is extreme, it gives a bad image of Islam to non-Muslims.

“They must realise their responsibility and not abuse their powers.”

Khalid also questioned Jais as to what their next course of action will be, if it was found to be true that the bride was never a Muslim.

“What are they going to do then, when they have already caused due damage?

More from The Rakyat Post. Also available in Bahasa Melayu.

-The Office of MP for Shah Alam-


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