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PAS Leaders Condemn Utusan’s Attack on Non-Malays

February 16, 2014

The attack by Utusan Malaysia today against non-Malays smacks of an Umno agenda, said PAS leaders who criticised the article written by Mingguan Malaysia's deputy editor Azman Anuar.

PAS central committee member Khalid Samad said Utusan was representing Umno and not the general Malay population when they launched an attack against non-Malays in the article.

Mingguan Malaysia is the Sunday edition of Utusan Malaysia.

In the latest series of attack, Utusan had accused non-Malays of insulting Islam, Muslims and the Malay rulers and warned them to observe their "limits".

"What they are doing will only fuel more hatred against Umno and Barisan Nasional. The Malays in general are not going to be affected," said Khalid.

The Shah Alam MP described the threat issued by Utusan Malaysia as irresponsible and inaccurate, backed by a hidden agenda.

"Put out the truth... Where was the insult? Who has been insulted? Even in Teresa Kok's satire Chinese New Year greeting, she has explained it all. There was no insult hurled at the Malays," said Khalid.

He said Umno does not represent all the Malays. In fact, he said, Pakatan Rakyat has been gaining strength and support from the largest race in the country.

"We don't solve political differences with high-handed tactics like this. Umno should know that people are rejecting the party. Utusan Malaysia should retract the article," said Khalid.

He said Umno was out of ideas and decided to engage in racial politics after its popularity among non-Muslims and Muslims declined.

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-The office of MP for Shah Alam-


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