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PAS Claims Fake Banners Put up in Selangor to Divide Pakatan

SHAH ALAM, April 8 — Fake banners and flyers intended to divide the federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) have popped up in almost the whole of Selangor, Selangor PAS claimed today.

PAS MP Khalid Samad said the party suspected that political rival Umno was behind the fake publicity materials that were detected last week, adding that party workers caught four youths in the act of putting up such banners in Semenyih.

“PAS Selangor has detected certain quarters that we suspect is Umno has done evil deeds by putting up banners and flyers intended to melaga-lagakan (create disunity among) the component parties in Pakatan Rakyat .

“Our workers also successfully caught four youths that were putting up banners and took them to the Semenyih police station,” Khalid told a press conference at his office here.

“From questioning the four youths that put up the banners, we found a piece of paper with the list of locations where it’ll be placed up... a total of 96 areas were listed by those placing the banners,” the Shah Alam MP added.

He said one banner said PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang is the PM-to-be candidate, while another featured a photograph of DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang as a candidate for prime minister.

The banners appeared to be aimed at a raw spot, with a controversy previously arising over who would lead the country if PR — composed of PAS, the DAP, PKR — wins Election 2013.

But leaders from the pact had then come out and reaffirmed their support for Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is also the de facto PKR leader, as their PM-to-be choice.

Slogans carried on the banners include phrases like “We promise you a new Malaysian Malaysia”, “We support Anwar for prime minister” and also those on the “hudud”, the Islamic penal code.

“With this latest development, it clearly proves Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) are desperate to do anything to bring down Pakatan in Selangor, including using the strategy of lies and provocation,” Khalid said.

He urged those in mosques to help spread information and block the distribution of any false and provocative leaflets to the public.

In Election 2008, BN suffered a historic defeat, losing its customary two-thirds majority and five states — Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Penang, Kelantan to the opposition.

BN has set its sights on regaining Selangor, the country’s richest state, and has attacked the PR state administration led by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for allegedly failing to fulfil promises made in 2008.

PR won 36 of the 56 state seats and 17 of the 22 parliamentary seats in the 2008 general election.

News courtesy of The Malaysian Insider, video by Malaysiakini
-The office of MP for Shah Alam-


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