“Islam teaches tolerance. They do not have the right to deny others of their rights, if they are entitled to. This is basic justice and that is why I oppose the Umno concept of ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy) as there is no justification for this under the constitution or Islam”
Related: Mamak Stall House Rule
Video courtesy of Malaysiakini
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
Related: Mamak Stall House Rule
Video courtesy of Malaysiakini
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
Allah created human from Adam and Eve. We are all come from a single Parents...Allah makes us into various races for us to learn from each other. Not for us to be "Tuan" to others!
Wise up Muslim!
I've observed through all your views lately. I'm impressed that I'm sharing the same thought as you are.
Hope to read from your blog more.
Salam Perjuangan.
All this while PAS promoted the idea of having an Islamic state, maybe now PAS should be looking at a blueprint of the guidelines, not just running away by saying, ‘it’s all in the quran’. Start extracting with proper arguments, avoiding any misunderstanding when the real situation arise. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Despite most of us here support YB Khalid for his stands, there's no need to calling names.
If you say something bad about someone...if it's true, thats what we called Ghibah (mengumpat). If it's untrue than thats what termed as fitnah (slander). Both are sinful act.
YB Hassan Ali has his own strength and weaknesses. Afterall we are all just mere human being.
Be fair even to your worse enemy. Because being fair is closer to at-taqwa.
Ke'adilan memang untuk semua di dalam Islam. Tetapi dalam konteks dan situasi di Malaysia adakah keadilan akan dicapai jika bangsa-bangsa lain diberi hak yang sama dengan orang Melayu dan Islam? Adakah agama-agama lain juga perlu diberi status yang sama dengan agama Islam?
Majoriti penduduk di Malaysia adalah orang Melayu dan Islam. Jadi adakah adil untuk mereka jika mereka tidak diberi hak yang lebih sedikit daripada bangsa lain?
Saya tidak lah menyokong sepenuhnya ketuanan Melayu. Tetapi sekadar ingin melontarkan pandangan dan kerisauan saya di atas keluasan pemikiran kita yang kadang-kadang hanya akan menjadi retorik politik semata-mata tetapi akhirnya merugikan Islam.
YB, adakah strategi ini akan menguntungkan orang Melayu, Islam dan survival mereka? Jika ini mahu diteruskan oleh PAS, apakah jaminan bahawa status Islam sebagai agama rasmi tidak akan terjejas?
Salam Hormat dari penyokong setia PAS.
Islam + Kristian + Hindu + lain lain.
Tengku Razaleigh berkata Perlembagaan Malaysia sekular! Baca di sini ...