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This is the way they want it to be

By S Pathmawathy (Malaysiakini)

Shah Alam PAS MP Khalid Samad similarly said that the inaction only reflected the government’s seriousness in tackling judicial reforms.

“The voice recording and video tape of the whole discussion is clear indication that the appointment of judges were clearly influenced by individuals who were not credible themselves and obviously had vested interest,” said Khalid.

“This basically puts an end to the mirage of any attempt to rectify the independence of the judiciary to indicate that the government is serious about appointing judges based on their independence. To me it is like a admission that it is OK,” he said.

“The issue has never been whether it was criminal or otherwise it has always been that this clear indication that the judiciary is not independent and is decided by various lobbies and interest groups and I think that is very unfortunate,” he said.

This just proves that nothing has changed and nothing will change unless the administration is changed, said Khalid.

More from Malaysiakini
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


Anonymous said…
Well said tuan YB, nothing will change unless we change the current corrupted gov!
Anonymous said…
Tinta Hitam said…
They need the best judges that money could buy to help them retaining power if the democracy way failed them..

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