Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengemukakan sebuah kisah dari zaman pemerintahan Saidina Umar Al-Khattab (r.a) untuk tatapan dan renungan tuan-tuan sekalian. Melalui pendedahan ini, adalah diharap sebahagian dari ummat Islam yang tidak memahami konsep keadilan Islam terhadap agama lain, akan sedikit sebanyak dapat memikirkan kembali sikap dan pendirian mereka itu. Kisah yang ingin dikemukakan adalah kisah Saidina Umar dan Kanisah (gereja) Al-Qiamah yang terletak di Quds. Kisah ini adalah petikan dari muka surat 114, kitab Itmam al-Wafa’ fi sirah al-Khulafa’ , tulisan as-Syeikh Muhammad bin al-Afifi al-Banjuri, Darul Ibnu Hazim. “Dan apabila masuknya Saidina Umar ke dalam kota, maka masuklah beliau ke dalam Kanisah (gereja) al-Qiamah, dan beliau duduk di ruang utama gereja tersebut . Setelah tiba waktu solat asar, maka berkata Saidina Umar kepada Patriach Kanisah tersebut, “Saya ingin mengerjakan solat.” Jawab Patriach: “Solat sahajalah di sini”. Tetapi Umar menolak cadangan...
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
semoga YB dipanjangkan umur olh Allah swt utk trus berkhidmat kpd rakyat.
walaupon ghaya teruskn pjuangan memartabatkn islam teratas dr yg teratas... hehehe smbng pose balik beb jgn lupe ade 6 hari lagi...
Only those paid & brainwashed by UMNO will behave like they are the 'Sultan'. I like the blog on 'Sumpahan 'Sultan' Sek23'. What to do, they have been thought that the country owe them a living.
On Dr.Ali, keep him in Pakatan until the next GE. Bcoz the more 'noise' he make, it's the public opinion that it's all UMNO dirty tactics as usual. Sometimes, it's best to play with the trojan horse to your advantage...get my drift? At least Dr.Ali is being made used of by UMNO & Dr.Ali is exposing the UMNO tactics openly. So, no secret. Let the people vote him out instead. Put an independent instead. When the independent wins, he/she can decide to join Pakatan...that's the assumption.
So, on the contrary, keep Dr.Ali bcoz he will continue to give UMNO a bad name. Since we all know he is already 'kena suap' with UMNO-$.
The Secretary for PAS Selangor threatened to pull out from Pakatan if action is taken against Dr. Hasan and i think its time to call their bluff. Let them do it, its interesting to see how many would follow this UMNO servant in disguise. Worse case scenario Tan Sri Khalid could call a snap election and i think Pakatan could do better that the last election. UMNO reluctance to call for one in Perak indicates that the rakyat in general still does not support them despite their propaganda that BN got more support now. With Khir Toyo leading BN in Selangor, some from UBN could even lose their deposit, if they don't play dirty that is.
Anyway Pakatan got nothing to lose but more to gain as jokers like Dr Hasan, that Kulim YB and PAS Youth does Pakatan more harm than good and with them around we would lose more support of the rakyat by the day.
Its also interesting that the TOP PAS leadership (particularly the PAS President and his Deputy) seems reluctant to take action on this joker called Hasan despite the damage he is doing and i really wonder why?
For the sake of Pakatan's integrity Dr Hasan MUST be sack from the EXCO and PAS.
Kristy K & family,