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Anti Islamification of UK and Anti Mosque Protest

A senior minister has said the self-styled anti-Islamic extremist group the English Defence League's tactics are designed to provoke violence.

Mr Denham made his comments after clashes at a protest against a new mosque in north-west London.

Ten people were arrested after scuffles broke out as police attempted to separate protesters from a large number of people who opposed the group.

The EDL has recently been involved in a number of confrontations in Birmingham.

In a statement to the BBC, Mr Denham said: "I believe the English Defence League is not a large group, but they clearly have amongst them people who know exactly what they are doing.

"If you look at the types of demonstrations they have organised, the language used and the targets chosen, it looks pretty clear that it's a tactic designed to provoke, to get a response and create violence.

"It's important that we, right across government, make sure this does not happen.

"We need to make sure people realise we are going to deal with this and that people recognise there is not a need to tackle this through counter confrontation."


The English Defence League, which has organised a series of recent protests that have resulted in violence, have further demonstrations planned for Manchester, Leeds and Luton over the next few weeks.

They are also expected to draw hundreds of supporters to a demonstration in Trafalgar Square on Sunday.

Mr Denham said there was a clear link between increasing support for the far-right and discontent in predominantly white working class communities.

He said this is due to fears that they are not being listened to.

At least 1,000 people gathered outside Harrow Central Mosque as activists from Stop Islamification of Europe - a group associated with the EDL - planned a demonstration there.

The group said they intended to hold a peaceful protest against the building of a five-storey mosque next to the Harrow Central Mosque.

Local Muslims and members of Unite Against Fascism (UAF) confronted the protesters, saying they had come to "defend the mosque".

More from BBC

Sky News Video

Related: INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE - Khalid Samad, Shah Alam MP
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


Anonymous said…
EDL and UBN share the same penyakit..BOTH R FANATICS!
Anonymous said…
Tidak di nafikan kenyataan di atas.
Iyu di UK. Bukan Malaysia.


Tetapi jika saya memangkah PR, apakah jaminan saya sebagai Melayu & Bumiputra di Malaysia? Tidak ketinggalan juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra di Sabah & Sarawak?

Apakah Islam di pelihara?

Apakah nasib anak-anak saya?

Apakah Kerajaan PR jika memerintah boleh meneruskan dasar BN seperti Dasar Ekonomi Baru yg banyak membantu saya? Juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra yang lain?

Apakah jaminan PR tidak campurtangan dlm PETRONAS? BN tidak campurtangan dlm urusan PETRONAS. Apakah jaminan buaya-bauya kelaparan ini menjamin orang-orang melayu seperti saya boleh terus berniaga dgn PETRONAS tanpa sekatan seperti yg kerajaan BN buat sekarang?

Apakah jaminan Kerajaan PR jika memerintah Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh menjamin Melayu tidak merempat?

Adakah PAS boleh menjamin boleh mengurangkan atau mensasarkan Sifar masalah sosial, Dadah, Aids, rempit, bohsia, gay, parti liar, arak, maksiat, disco & etc??

Itulah persoalan sekarang. Contoh yang nyata adalah di Selangor. Kuil & Arak tidak dapat di selesaikan secara bijaksana.

Menyalahkan UMNO seolah-olah menjadi trend.

Kepada UMNO. Anda masih belum berubah sepenuhnya. Masih ada yang merasa selesa.

Masih ada yg tak mahu jumpa & turun kepada rakyat.

Masih sibuk dgn kemewahan.

Masih mengejar pangkat. Contohnya DS Sharizat yg terang-terang tewas PRU12 tetapi masih mahu jadi menteri.

UMNO perlu berubah secara radikal atau di tolak dlm PRU13 secara total.

Tun M menyalahkan Pak Lah & keluarganya kerana PRU12. Tetapi hakikatnya adalah kerana vokalnya Tun M juga & juga si Al Juburi.

Vokal Tun M harus di tapis. Elakkan perpecahan.

Al Juburi perlu di sumbat dlm penjara. Jika tidak bersalah, kenapa takut kepada keadilan?

UMNO perlu dengar rakyat.

UMNO perlu kembali kepada Melayu.

Anonymous said…
kerajaan malaysia sibuk masuk campur hal negara2 lain seperti palestine, iraq dan afganistan kononya rakyat2 disitu ditindas/tidak dilayan baik oleh negara2 jiran atau tentera2 asing tetapi dlm negara sendiri rakyat malaysia tidak dilayan secara adil dan baru2 ni bnyk sgt kes2 sensitif yg sudah pun diketahui oleh dunia luar (youtube). sy berharap kerajaan malaysia tidak perlu berwayang dgn negara2 asing kerana kejahatan mereka sudah diketahui umum!
Manchurian said…
My Dear YB Khalid,

All I can say is what goes around comes around... Hope Muslim in Malaysia can be aware some of the things that are happening around the world. May Allah continue to bless our country...
amatt said…
Sebelum ada orang yg tak tau ujung punca komen, baik aku try explain kt korang apa yg sebenarnya berlaku kt north-west London tu sbb aku tinggal kt UK ni so tau la skit.

Ada satu kumpulan yg nama dia EDL (mat saleh far-right) cuba provoke orang Islam disini dengan membuat protes di depan masjid besar yg baru hendak dibina kt kawasan tu(kalau tak salah 4 tingkat). Alasan geng ni kata ada orang Muslim cuba utk Islamification(mengislamkan)-kan seluruh Eropah. (Bukan atas kawasan tu majorti omputih ye). Geng ni takle ramai mana pun, tapi polis kasik chance derang protes jugak and beri kawalan sbb takut bergaduh dengan satu lagi geng Muslim yg counter-protes kepada protes EDL ni.

So apa respon Pak Menteri senior yg mat saleh nih? Dia kata geng EDL (yg juga omputih) ni cuba nk provoke orang Muslim kawasan tu supaya terjadi pergaduhan dan huru hara. So kata dia gov UK takleh biarkan benda camni berlaku dan alhamdulillah takde le jadi apa sgt semalam.

Aku pun tak nak la ulas byk sgt karang korang boring pulak. Tapi amat jelas Allah maha berkuasa, dia tunjukkan semula skip yg sama dengan watak yang sama, cuma tempat je yg berbeza (minus kepala lembu je!).

So korang nilai je la sendiri, siapa yg lebih bertamadun, siapa yg masih tinggal di zaman kesultanan Melayu Melaka? Juga siapa yang berjaya menunjukkan keadilan utk semua rakyat negara mereka? Orang Melayu? Orang Islam?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said:
Tidak di nafikan kenyataan di atas.
Iyu di UK. Bukan Malaysia.


Tetapi jika saya memangkah PR, apakah jaminan saya sebagai Melayu & Bumiputra di Malaysia? Tidak ketinggalan juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra di Sabah & Sarawak?...bla..bla

Untuk pengetahuan saudara/saudara apa yang dirisaukan di atas sedang telah sedang dan akan dilakukan oleh UBN. Penulis risau 'buaya-buaya PR' akan campurtangan dalam Petronas, tapi yang telah dan sedang terjadi buaya-buaya ubn sedang melahap petronas. Mungkin penulis sebahagian dari mereka. Bab DEB, faktanya ia banyak melahirkan jutawan segera dikalangan UMNOPUTRA mungkin penulis sebahagian dari mereka. Bab isu arak dan kuil, bukan kerja PR untuk menyalahkan umno tapi ia semua adalah lagasi/pekung ditutup oleh umno selama ini yang perlu diselesaikan oleh PR. Tapi umno cuba menganggunya kerana mereka takut jika PR berjaya menangani masalah ini dengan maka akan berkuburlah umno untuk selama-lamanya. Tapi nak buat macam mana ini memang perangai umno dulu kini dan selamanya.
Lagi satu sape al-juburi yang dimaksudkan itu sebab dalam umno kini ramai yang berperangai seperti itu.
Anonymous said…
Sebab tulah 4 orang PAS dan 1 PKR juga masuk mahkamah.
Anonymous said…
//Tetapi jika saya memangkah PR, apakah jaminan saya sebagai Melayu & Bumiputra di Malaysia? Tidak ketinggalan juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra di Sabah & Sarawak?

Apakah Islam di pelihara?

Apakah nasib anak-anak saya?//

Aiyaah..I say man..siapa ada kuasa utk memilhara islam,manusia ke TUHAN?Sy pikiaq sudah tiba masanya utk bayar duit royalti kpd owang India sebab dlm bahasa malaysia,perkatann "bumi" + "putra' tu sanskrit;-)..dan oleh kerana anda telah sekian lama menganut agama putar belit islam versi 2.0 UMNO,maka masa belakanag,sekarang,hadapan akan sentiasa cerah is the cerah?tanah rizab bumi putra,emas rizab negara,wang rizab negara,semunya dah *POOF*..GONE!HILANG!...Fooh,pandainya ularmak2 UMNO..jadi sy berharap,and terus memangkah dacing ya..;-)
Anonymous said…
What goes around comes around.

Fair enough.

But don't selectively forget about the killings of Muslims and Christians and destruction of mosques in India.And what to say about China?So much,gives u a headache.

Like somebody said,what goes around,comes around.
jebat said…
Tetapi jika saya memangkah PR, apakah jaminan saya sebagai Melayu & Bumiputra di Malaysia? Tidak ketinggalan juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra di Sabah & Sarawak?

Saudara ni cakap macam budak skolah, orang tinggal kat negara komnis. Yang berusaha maju ke depan kita sendiri. Didik anak betol2 macam orang Cina. Gadai rumah pergi belajar pun sudi. Kita pulak, ashik minta gomen aja. tak malu ke kita? hak melayu tak bermaksud ambik duit cukai orang cina pastu bagi orang kita. orang indon cakap "rampuk" dong! diorang tak dapat pun duit satu sen dari gomen. hari ni, si foreman cina tuk hantar kereta sampai rumah aku. haru tu pulak bawak orang Cobra datang kat rumah aku tukar immobiliser. tak caj lebih pulak tu. aku tau dia tuk bukan dari keluarga orang kaya. dulu tinggal kat sepetang perak, budak kampung. baca buku sampai form tree. tapi pasal apa kreta aku tak bagi umw toyota repair. sebab dia tau kalo tak kerja kuat, MATI KEBULURAN. Faham! Skarang dia tinggal rumah semi d. isteri pun baca tak banyak. stail orang kampung tapi hari2 naik viva dia buat marketing untuk bengkel suami. bebal kita orang melayu. ingatkan dia kaya, rompak peluang kita. bohong. kita melayu pun pergi kat dia sebab dia buat dgn elok.

Apakah Islam di pelihara?
Ini kerja saudara. siapa yang pelihara agama diorang???? Kita pun termaktub dah dlm perlembagaan, islam agama resmi. kita kena ambik peduli dan tunaikan kerja kita pelihara Islam. apa pulak nak PR jamin. ish!

Apakah nasib anak-anak saya?
Dah terlebih ni. kalo tak dapat nak didik anak, janganlah beranak.

Apakah Kerajaan PR jika memerintah boleh meneruskan dasar BN seperti Dasar Ekonomi Baru yg banyak membantu saya? Juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra yang lain?
Kalo dah dapat bantuan, bersyukurlah. orang cina tak dapat pun. aku pasti PR akan teruskan. tapi, mertabatkan melayu, tingkatkan prestasi sehingga tak perlu gomen.

Apakah jaminan PR tidak campurtangan dlm PETRONAS? BN tidak campurtangan dlm urusan PETRONAS. Apakah jaminan buaya-bauya kelaparan ini menjamin orang-orang melayu seperti saya boleh terus berniaga dgn PETRONAS tanpa sekatan seperti yg kerajaan BN buat sekarang?
Petronas milik semua rakyat malaysia. aku malas nak jawab pun. kontrak tu mesti dibuka pada semua. tak malu ke monopoli untuk orang melayu aje. lepas tu kita nak komplen dgn orang cina dgn amalan mereka. hipokrit namanya.

Apakah jaminan Kerajaan PR jika memerintah Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh menjamin Melayu tidak merempat?
Kalo merempat tu salah saudara. kecualilah kalo kerajaan PR buat undang2 supaya orang melayu merempak. memang tak masuk akal.
Adakah PAS boleh menjamin boleh mengurangkan atau mensasarkan Sifar masalah sosial, Dadah, Aids, rempit, bohsia, gay, parti liar, arak, maksiat, disco & etc??
Ini aku pasti PAS ke PR ke akan buat. tapi yang menjamin tak berlaku adalah KITA sendiri. jangan main lepas tangan. itu perbuatan bodoh.
Itulah persoalan sekarang. Contoh yang nyata adalah di Selangor. Kuil & Arak tidak dapat di selesaikan secara bijaksana.

Menyalahkan UMNO seolah-olah menjadi trend.

Memang salah BN. BN buatkan macam sistem feudal. kalo nak, datang mintak. asalkan melayu diakui tuan, kasi ajalah. tutup 1 mata. tutup 2 pun boleh...
amatt said…
Dear Anonymous 9:47 PM

OK then, ever heard of another saying: Two wrongs do not make a right??

Nobody in their right mind would ever condone such acts and I hope that will include you. So why do we want the same thing to happen to others if we do not like it our self, we think it’s cruel, we think its evil… Why? Vengeance? Hate?

May Allah have mercy on you...
Anonymous said…
//But don't selectively forget about the killings of Muslims and Christians and destruction of mosques in India.And what to say about China?So much,gives u a headache.//
Waah..domestic evil talak cukup power kah?Mau import evil negara lain mau kasi bikin lagi terok ya?Speaking of China,Lord MooNazak juai 10% syer of Khazanah National.. ok kah?I wouldn't be surprised,someday 1 nagara pun dia kasi jaui..betul tak?
Anonymous said…
To amatt

Of course two wrongs do not make a right.

You hope that I am not included in ever condoning suct acts,and yet you pray that Allah have mercy on me.

Thats already making a judgement.Good of you.

Anyway,the point is,the protesters in Sek23 did plea and request to the Selangor government.Ignored.They protested in a vicious manner.

Residents wrong.
Selangor government wrong.

See,two wrongs.

Selangor government maintains it is right and residents wrong.

Thus now,two wrongs does make one right.
amatt said…
Sadly you are still not answering my first question, please stay focus because that’s why I gave you my 2nd comment. I did not refer to any of the stuff that you have just said in your 2nd (although I have to say that they can still be argued). First thing first, then we can continue with whatever you want.

The first point that I made refers to your earlier remark, please let me remind you what you said:

But don't selectively forget about the killings of Muslims and Christians and destruction of mosques in India.And what to say about China?So much,gives u a headache.

Like somebody said,what goes around,comes around

Care to explain it to me now? or are we still going to change the topic after this?
Anonymous said…
To amatt,
on your 10:59 PM post,

You said"OK then, ever heard of another saying: Two wrongs do not make a right??"

I said"Of course two wrongs do not make a right."

Thus 1st questions answered.

You said" So why do we want the same thing to happen to others if we do not like it our self, we think it’s cruel, we think its evil… Why? Vengeance? Hate?"

That's a rhetorical question,you are asking yourself.

Your next post 1:17 AM,
Only now you ask"Care to explain it to me now?"

What is there to explain?
Is it not complimentary to the statement made by
Manchurian ?Is it not a reminder that what goes around,comes around applies to the Hindus and Chinese too?Is it now politically incorrect to say things like that?What are you trying to insinuate against me?

May Allah have mercy on me....
Anonymous said…
Cina Toh Pe Kongs,Indian kuils tak dirobohkan di sinikah?Ali Rustam d ex TNB meter reader,d kaki mabok kaki rasuah MB dgn penuh semangat Nazism berucap depan wakil wakil PPP"India dan Cina boleh belaaah!!UMNO tak perlukan undi cina,india utk menang pilihanraya"!!Akibatanya kena terajang kow kow dlm pilihanraya yg lepaih,dan sedang kena sepak,tumbukan bertubi tubi dlm by election after by election..Ya,Hitler pun pikiaq d 3rd Reich akan hidup 4 1000yrs,UMNO pun pikiaq depa akan hidup,memerintah selama lamanya..yalah,Iblis ada daya imiginasi mat jenin yg!!
Anonymous said…
What happens if TRUTH,knowledge r suppressed?U get totalitarian/fascist/despotic regimes,and citizens become souless zombies..everything becomes distorted,falsifed,darkened..and Malaysia,is one fine hybrid of Mussolini's fascism and Pinochet's despotism..but the thick veil is being removed,n people r fighting back..matter of time, even the super corrupt,kelentong specialist ularmaks,priests also kena sepak!!ya,history has show,the priests,the ularmaks have always sided with the oppressors in order to hidup and cari "makan"..and history also shows,these type of fellas along with the oppresors in the end r finsihed,dismissed!
Anonymous said…
hi - i think the EDL sounds like an good idea. Does anyone have more info or contact details.

many thanks
Tinta Hitam said…
Sebenarnya org UMNO ni memang bodoh.Tak faham faham.Apa hak sebagai melayu dan bumiputra?

Jawapnnya sama saperti skg malahan lebih baik lagi.Tak tau la pulak org org UMNO ni maksudkan hak org melayu dan bumiputera adalah hak utk rasuah spt yg dilakukan oleh pemimpin UMNO skg
matmantau said…
Jawapan kpd. Anonymous said...
Tidak di nafikan kenyataan di atas.
Iyu di UK. Bukan Malaysia.


Tetapi jika saya memangkah PR, apakah jaminan saya sebagai Melayu & Bumiputra di Malaysia? Tidak ketinggalan juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra di Sabah & Sarawak?

Apa nak dibangga dgn. Melayu… Melayu tinggal.. baju Melayu aje… Tanah Melayu, tanah rezab Melayu.. bahasa Melayu.. pun dah punah..

Apakah Islam di pelihara?
Sekarang pun.. agak2 dipelihara kut… pak Menteri pun.. bini.. pun tak bertudung..

Apakah nasib anak-anak saya?
Tanyalah pemimpin pilihan anda… ke mana dibawa.. Akademi Fantasia.. Jom Heboh.. program reality.. semuanya eolok jadi artis ler..

Apakah Kerajaan PR jika memerintah boleh meneruskan dasar BN seperti Dasar Ekonomi Baru yg banyak membantu saya? Juga kepada saudara-saudara Bumiputra yang lain?
Berapa sen.. ler hang dapat… la ni.. biasiswa.. pun nak lupus.. aku tengok.. Melayu Islam juga banyak si fakir.. lagi miskin..

Apakah jaminan PR tidak campurtangan dlm PETRONAS? BN tidak campurtangan dlm urusan PETRONAS. Apakah jaminan buaya-bauya kelaparan ini menjamin orang-orang melayu seperti saya boleh terus berniaga dgn PETRONAS tanpa sekatan seperti yg kerajaan BN buat sekarang? Berapa sen.. ler hang dapat… la ni.. pun minyak pun dah nak habis… lepas tuh.. tau lak aku.. mana kerajaan nak cekau duit…

Apakah jaminan Kerajaan PR jika memerintah Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh menjamin Melayu tidak merempat? Tak merempat… dah merempat pun.. agak.. negeri2 mana yg. miskin…

Adakah PAS boleh menjamin boleh mengurangkan atau mensasarkan Sifar masalah sosial, Dadah, Aids, rempit, bohsia, gay, parti liar, arak, maksiat, disco & etc?? itulah hang. Tak faham. Kita perlukan undi.. untuk.. ada kuasa.. bagi menguatkuasakan… segala peraturan…

Itulah persoalan sekarang. Contoh yang nyata adalah di Selangor. Kuil & Arak tidak dapat di selesaikan secara bijaksana…. Agak.. masa Pekembar BN perintah… bila masa.. si arak, kuil dah bercambah….

Menyalahkan UMNO seolah-olah menjadi trend… ish2 .. tak tau lak.. aku.. sejak merdeka sehingga 2009.. diperintah oleh kerajaan pembangkang… setau.. celik2 aku… dah diperintah oleh Pekembar BN perintah

Kesimpulannya… sayang betui hang pada Pekembar BN… ok ler tuh.. tak da masalah… okayle tuh.. ada pilihan.. Pekembar BN atau PR… ibarat makan sate… jemu jugak makan sate.. selama 52 thn.. kasi can ler tukar chicken chop.. ker atau… steam boat ker…
mohamad said…
matmantau said…
Sdr. mohamad… dah barang tentu hang lupa sejarah… seingat aku ler.. DATUK AZHAR MANSOR.. menafikan kemurtadan beliau dalam perhimpunan Melayu bersatu (Pekembar) beberapa thn. dulu… awatnya DATUK AZHAR MANSOR di kasi can dalam perhimpunan Melayu bersatu (Pekembar) …
S.L. Chan said…
To all my fellow Malaysians,

I think the video is posted by Y.B. as to remind all that;

1) That the true teaching of Islam incorporates the capacity to be fair to followers of other religion.

2) Islam today faces such a negative perception because there are many misguided groups, such as Al Qaeda, and our very own home grown Cow head gang which conducts their own sickening agenda but usues the good name of Islam to justify their act. Although the protesters and their group has not killed anyone yet, they had shown they capacity of being violent, as proven during the town hall meeting.

3) Many such as Dr. Hasan,PAS YOUTH and the Kulim YB impose their own personal agenda on others such as banning this and that but hides behind Islam.

With the above and many other incidents both local and internationally misusing the good name of Islam for personal agendas , are you surprised that many especially in non Muslim majority countries have this unfounded fear about Islam? I can tell you that many have the unfair impression that Islam only knows how to ban this and that and if things don't go their way, violence would ensure, as proven by the kepala lembu gang.
Unfortunately actions by people such as the Section 23 racist, Dr.Hasan, PAS Youth, the Kulim Y.B only reinforces this negative perception people have on Islam and please remember that there are also bigots in other religion and it provides the perfect ammo for them to create fear about Islam.
I personally urge all Malaysians to support Y.B Khalids effort to show all Malaysians and also the world that Islam is a religion that is fair, progressive, tolerant and full of compassion.

For the record i am a non-Muslim and for years had been living happily along side with fellow Muslims and non-Muslims alike. All people regardless of religion would deserve the honour and respect they deserve if they work hard. My Malays friends have proved to me that they do not need crutches to survive, not in this day and age. As the matter of fact, many regard it as an insult if they received special treatment.
I hope we are all in this together and as a non-Muslim i would defend my Muslim friends to the end if they are unfairly treated.

Y.B. Khalid had shown to us that he would do the same too for his non-Muslims fellow Malaysians.
mohamad said…
Dear S.L Chan. You are ignorant about history. The muslim acts like that because they have been oppressed all the while, Read about Andulusia??? Suffering of muslim Uighur??? etc...etc. Being sideline by people like you (in term of promotion), if the malays work in a Chinese Malaysian company even this Malaysia is their native land. Look what happen to your community being chase out by the Algerians recently and also one of the carribean...ops I forgot?? I applauded their action coz I have been working in Algeria and I know what's going on. Luckily you live in Malaysia whereby the malays has accepted you guys as part of Malaysia citizen. But yet you guys are like the malay idiom said "Bagi betis nak sampai ke peha". You should study islam before you could comment.
Anonymous said…
Good chinese is a dead chinese
S.L. Chan said…
Dear Mohamad,

I think you are trying to generalise and when one fingers points out, 3 points back at you, please do not forget.

Islam and Muslims were not always oppressed, as shown by the great Muslims Empire of the past and also the Muslims contribution to science and mathematics. If you say Muslims are oppressed today please ask why Muslims are in this position in the first place? Is it too many people trying to "Intrepret the message of Allah" and in the process developes too many factions and thus infighting (meaning people such afromentioned and also such as yourself?).
Muslims may be oppressed such as the Palestinians (which many including myself codemmns the Israeli Regime) but if the majority of Muslims are forward looking, progressive such as YB Khalid, would Muslims have better capacity to fight the oppressor instead of spending so much time trying to ban this and that? People such as yourself tend to ask what is due to you and forget the rights of others.

If you really want to talk about history, please do not forget Malays originates from South China (see one finger points out 3 points back). The orang asli are the REAL "pribumi". May i ask you what have they got so far?

I together with many fellow Malaysians (including many of my Malay Friends) do not need to thank anyone for anything. We work hard for what we got without any handouts what so ever. Mind you i am a third generation Malaysian. Many so called Bumi Malays are only first or second generation Indonesians (yes the same people who are burning our flags and hunting our students so they can bash them up) and yet they enjoy "Bumi" status and perks.Ironically the opposition leader of our most "developed" state falls in this category.

Mohamed, you like many bigots, always miss the point. I do not pretend to be an expert in Islam. What i am pointing out is Islam is a far greater religion than some people acknowledge (from my experience with my Malay friends) and the reason why its misunderstood is simple down to big time bigots and racist (such as Al-Qaeda, Talibans) all the way to small timers such as yourself.

I want to remind you that you or your forefathers did not "Accept" us. We are rightful Malaysians as Malaysia's Independence was fought by ALL of us (and you want to talk about history).

Oh yeah Mohamad and anonymous, i worked in a big plant where the owner is Chinese. But our Plant Manager, the Third MOST senior person in the company after the owner and the G.M., is MALAY and so are many head of depts. They are there because they work hard and their hard work was acknowledge by the owner. Maybe someday, you and your other bigot friends can be like him too.

Please ask yourself Muslims controls the single most important resource in the world, Oil and yet many Muslims are oppressed and poor. What have you done to make things better for them other than spending all your time critizising another race.

Lastly, only a racist can call others one and applauds the the killing of others. And please read AND UNDERSTAND my earlier post in its entirety before you start to critizise. If you wish i could always translate it in Malay for you if you find Enlish is too difficult.
S.L. Chan said…
Amid all this madness, we tend to forget its now the fasting month and Aidilfitri is around the corner.

I would like to use this platform to wish Y.B Khalid, your staff and all Muslim readers (whether we are in agreement or not) and friends " SELAMAT BERPUASA" and "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI".

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