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Invitation: Open Dialogue with YB Khalid Samad in London

We would like to invite you to an open dialogue, details as follows:

Main speaker: Khalid Samad MP

Date: Saturday 11 July 2009

Time: 2pm, for 2.30pm start to 4.30pm.

Venue: Hyde Park Suite, Holiday Villa Hotel, 37 Leinster Gardens, London W2 3AN (click here for map)

Chair: Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Director General, Malaysia Think Tank

In this moderated dialogue, Khalid Samad MP will elaborate his ideas and thoughts on PAS, Pakatan Rakyat, and the future of Malaysian politics.

Khalid Samad is PAS Member of Parliament for Shah Alam. He was recently appointed as a member of the Opposition's Cabinet Committee monitoring the Prime Minister's Department and the Ministry of Transport. Khalid created controversy recently when PAS Shah Alam, of which he is head, proposed that the group Sisters in Islam should be banned, which he later clarified as a mistake. Khalid was also one of the 10 PAS MPs who signed the open letter rejecting 'unity government' proposition.

On 27 March 2008, Khalid became the first elected Muslim Member of Parliament to step into the Roman Catholic Church of the Divine Mercy, Shah Alam, since it was completed in 2005. He spoke about his ideas and Islamic principles. The congregation gave him a standing ovation.

When studying at Leeds University in the 1970s, Khalid was active in the group Suara Al-Islam. Seeing that PAS under Dato Asri was heavily influenced by Malay nationalism, members of Suara Al-Islam tried to register Parti Negara Islam (Islamic State Party) upon their return to Malaysia, but their application was rejected in 1981. Khalid joined PAS in 1983, after the party committed itself to the concept of "leadership by ulama" (kepimpinan ulama)

Light refreshments will be served. We encourage a donation of at least £5.00 per person (optional only) to help cover costs, which will be collected at the door.

For further information, please contact Wan Saiful Wan Jan ( / 07920 132233) or
Khalid Samad's office via

-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


Anonymous said…
See you in London YB, have a safe journey.
Salam, interesting.. Only thing is that i’m still a student.. Hope to get a chance to do this kind of stuff in the future.. Only to be better than my muslim predecessors insyaAllah.
Anonymous said…
emmm student takleh dtg ke?? takde pun kata kt dlm invitation tu... OPEN kan?
Malaysian in the UK said…

Apa salahnya, nak dengar saja.

Takkan pasal tu pun nak tarik scholarship.
Anonymous said…
The event is open to all. Please come.
Anonymous said…
manatuhanallah said...,

Tenang-tenangkan diri...
Sila layari http://manatuhanallah...

Hmm.., sesuai jugak kut kalau ajaran "sesat" disebarkan kat blog nie...,

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