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Sinking From the Gutter to the Ghetto (Dwibahasa)

Selangorians were shocked by the gutter politics used by Umno/BN in relation to the case of the ADUN for Bukit Lanjan. Everyone thought that they could go no lower.

Last Thursday, however, we were treated to another level of politics, which can only be termed as “Ghetto politics”. Hooliganism and gangsterism are the main ingredients of this form of politics.

A gang of 26 Pemuda Umno members came to the Parliament with the sole objective of coercing an apology from YB Karpal Singh. They waited from morning and when he appeared in the afternoon, they went to him, surrounding him and threatening him with bodily harm.

I was informed that they intended to throw him into one of the fountain pools next to the Tower block. Fortunately, this plan was thwarted by the timely intervention of some PR MPs returning from lunch who were alerted of the developing incident by Parliament security guards.

Most shocking was the unabashed manner in which they went about their gangster act. Their business cards were handed out and some even had the audacity to give an interview to the media about what they had done! Are their minds so twisted that they no longer have the ability to discern right from wrong?

I was equally shocked by the rowdy response from the Umno/BN MPs when the issue was reported in the Dewan. Jeeringly, they claimed that it “serves Karpal right” for calling the Pemuda Umno “celaka”. One called out loudly, “who started it?” I wondered whether I was in Parliament or in a classroom of Standard 5 children.

I could not help but feel disillusioned by it all. This incident, coupled with the response by the BN MPs to the charges made by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim earlier pertaining to the methods used by the BN, through coercion or monetary inducements, to win over the ADUNs in Perak and Kedah, was very disheartening.

There seems to be a complete lack of conscience on the part of the BN MPs. They seem completely oblivious to the long-term effects of this kind of action.

If even in cases as clear cut as these, they do not have the moral strength to condemn and dissociate from, what hope have we that they will condemn and put an end to all the other acts of mismanagement and misuse of power?

What use are all the arguments presented by all the PR Parliamentarians on all issues when simple issues such as these are beyond the comprehension of the BN MPs?

In the final analysis, the future of Malaysian politics seems increasingly bleak unless the brakes are some how applied thereby stopping this mindless plunge into ghetto politics. Unfortunately, this is seemingly the only form of politics which can be called upon by Umno to ensure its own survival. When you have run out of arguments, when you no longer can deceive the people, when you no longer enjoy their support, you put fear in their hearts!

That seems to be the quick remedy offered by Umno. It is, of course, much easier than admitting you are in the wrong and that your adversary is more worthy of the country’s political leadership than you are.

*this article was originally published in The Malaysian Insider


Rakyat Selangor telah dikejutkan dengan politik kotor yang telah digunakan UMNO/BN di dalam kes ADUN Bukit Lanjan. Semua menganggap BN/UMNO tidak tergamak untuk bertindak lebih buruk dari itu.

Walaubagaimanapun, Khamis lepas, kita telah dihidangkan dengan satu lagi jenis politik yang hanya boleh di namakan sebagai “Politik Ghetto”. Sifat samseng dan gangster adalah ramuan utama politik jenis ini.

Sekumpulan 26 ahli Pemuda UMNO telah datang ke Parlimen untuk memaksa YB Karpal Singh memohon maaf. Mereka telah menunggu sejak pagi dan apabila beliau hadir disebelah petang, mereka telah menyerbu, mengepungi serta mengugut untuk menyakiti beliau.

Saya dimaklumkan bahawa mereka bercadang untuk mencampakkan beliau ke dalam kolam di sebelah blok Menara. Nasib baik rancangan jahat mereka ini telah digagalkan dengan campurtangan beberapa orang Ahli Parlimen yang sedang pulang dari makan tengahari yang diberitahu akan insiden tersebut oleh para pengawal Parlimen.

Apa yang lebih mengejutkan ialah sikap ‘tidak tahu malu’ mereka dalam melakukan tindakan samseng mereka itu. Mereka telah edarkan kad bisnes mereka dan ada pula antara mereka yang begitu “tebal muka” sanggup memberi interview kepada pihak media tentang apa telah mereka lakukan! Apakah minda mereka telah begitu terseleweng dan tersongsang sehingga tidak lagi mampu membezakan di antara yang betul dan yang salah?

Saya juga amat terkejut apabila mendengar respon yang riuh dan tidak beradab dari pihak Ahli Parlimen UMNO/BN apabila isu ini dilaporkan kepada Dewan. Secara mengejek mereka berkata “padan muka Karpal” kerana menggelar Pemuda UMNO ‘celaka’. Seorang lagi pula menjerit “siapa yang mulakan?” Saya terfikir, adakah saya sedang berada di dalam Parlimen ataupun di dalam kelas budak darjah 5.

Saya tidak dapat menghalang diri dari merasa begitu kecewa dengan semua ini. Insiden ini, diganding pula dengan respon yang ditunjukkan oleh Ahli Parlimen BN berhubung dakwaan DSAI berkenaan kaedah yang digunakan BN, iaitu melalui ugutan dan habuan kewangan, untuk menawan para ADUN di Perak dan Kedah, amat menyedihkan.

Seolah-olah pihak AP BN tidak lagi mempunyai perasaan bersalah dan kesedaran. Mereka seakan langsung tidak sedar betapa buruknya kesan jangka panjang hasil dari tindakan mereka ini.

Jika dalam kes-kes yang jelas seperti ini pun mereka tidak mempunyai kekuatan moral untuk mengutuk dan mengasingkan diri mereka dari isu tersebut, bolehkah kita mengharapkan bahawa mereka ini akan mengutuk dan menghentikan segala jenis perlakuan salah urus dan penyalahgunaan kuasa?

Apalah gunanya segala hujah yang dibentangkan oleh pihak Ahli Parlimen PR di dalam semua isu, jika isu yang sebegini mudah pun adalah di luar jangkauan kefahaman AP BN?

Masa depan politik Malaysia kelihatan semakin malap melainkan brek dipasang dan dengan itu lonjakan melulu secara membabi buta ke dalam kancah politik ghetto dapat dihentikan. Malangnya, ini sajalah corak politik yang boleh diseru UMNO untuk memastikan kesinambungan kewujudan mereka. Apabila kamu telah kehabisan hujah, apabila kamu sudah tidak lagi mampu menipu rakyat, apabila kamu telah tidak lagi mendapat sokongan mereka, maka kamu tanamkan rasa takut ke dalam hati mereka!

Itu adalah merupakan “penyelesaian segera” yang ditawarkan UMNO. Ia adalah sememangnya jauh lebih mudah dari mengaku bahawa kamu bersalah dan saingan kamu adalah lebih layak untuk mengemudi kepimpinan politik tanah air dari diri kamu sendiri.

WaLlahu 'alam


Unknown said…
pemuda UMNO celaka, memalukan orang melayu saja.
Anonymous said…
dear,Khalid I thank god for having leaders like you, your thoughts and concern for justice, peace and well being of the rakyat is beyond the understanding of the evil regime, We the rakyat will pray for leaders like you and hope god will send us more like yourself who will lead this country to greatness.
thank god for pas and pas for all.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Says:

Loser, Loser & Loser UMNO & BN therefore the biased EC must choose the same date so that they can try to cheat by using Phantom Voters if the Pakatan is not too careful on all three fronts.

History will repeat itself the most corrupted of all call Nargis will helm UMNO to oblivion.

Beware of the Nargis & UMNO underhand deceits, filthy lies and dirty tactics which must be exposed so that they will be shunned by all Rakyats in order to be thrown out in the next GE.

The Era of Anarchy has just begun in the coming Premiership of Nargis, the most corrupted of all corrupters, all Malaysians beware that they, Nargis & UMNO, will spend Government Money to buy Chaos in order to impose Dictatorial Government without election or after they have lost the Election in GE 13, we have all learnt from Perak Government’s takeover by deceit and by force of using the Police Force which could be bought and the Assemblymen who were bought either with money or in kind like no case in court for their corruptions’ cases pending trials if they defect from Pakatan and of course the sole DAP betrayer could be bought with a great sum of money as Nargis knew and as well as the betrayer that she could never be elected ever again in Jelapang and of course the pension sum must be huge including allowance for her permanent retirement for making a betrayal to Pakatan for short term benefiting of Nargis?

There must be a good reason for the Sultan well learned in law and also once holding the highest office in Supreme Court took a lowly decision in support of the most corrupted Politician call Nargis, Peem in awaiting. No offence intended to the Sultan who was highly regarded until just now only, it is either he has been threatened with some secret files on him held by Nargis, or like all the other froggies that had been lured by huge sums of money offered by the most greedy of Corrupters called Nargis who used the nation’s coffers as his own kitty bank. Knowing very well that Nargis would not last the next GE, this is the best opportunity to make some good cash funds for keeps as the next Government under PKR will be clean and righteous for the God, King, People and Country.

Not realizing that Corruptions breed even more Corruptions and this is the vicious circle and the people of Perak are ones who would suffer in the long run and they will not forget what a Sultan they have had. If Narjis and UMNO is in Power it is most likely that the nation’s coffers would be decimated and there will be nothing left for our Children’s Children, therefore make sure the UMNO along with all their goons are thrown out the next election.

God bless you the people of Malaysia
Anonymous said…
I saw the video footage and i was very disgusted at UMNO Youth. You're right, they do act like kids and I think I'm even more mature than them even though I'm still a student.
Anonymous said…
Salam akhi Khalid,

Great post! Just to add, two weeks ago I was at UIA attending a forum and one of the speakers was Puad Zarkashi (MP Batu Pahat). I guess, being conscious of the fact he was talking to an audience of 'Islamic' students, he went on-and-on talking about himself practising 'politik hati nurani' (politics with a conscience).

How ironic and hypocritical of him. Really, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry...
Anonymous said…
Hi MP,

I like your "PAS for ALL" banner. Do you have a "Penyokong PAS Warga Cina" banner or maybe a "Warga Cina Menyokong Kepimpinan Tok Guru" banner to put in my blog. Thanks

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