“All the king’s men and all the king’s horses, could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again”.
Imagine the king’s frustration!
This must be the same kind of frustration presently experienced by the BN government in respect of Selangor. Can you imagine, after misusing all of the Federal Government’s resources, namely the MACC, the Police, the Special Branch (all the Kings men) and disloyal/disgruntled civil servants of the state (all the King’s horses) in attempting to find fault with the Selangor administration, the best they could come up with are the story of the cows and the use of the MB’s personal car as an official car!
The pettiness of the issues is clear proof of their desperation. Fearful that ‘failure’ would bring down the wrath of the powers that be upon them, they hurriedly scuttled about to come up with a case. It was no easy task...
More from my column in The Malaysian Insider
*image from the Wikimedia Commons
Imagine the king’s frustration!
This must be the same kind of frustration presently experienced by the BN government in respect of Selangor. Can you imagine, after misusing all of the Federal Government’s resources, namely the MACC, the Police, the Special Branch (all the Kings men) and disloyal/disgruntled civil servants of the state (all the King’s horses) in attempting to find fault with the Selangor administration, the best they could come up with are the story of the cows and the use of the MB’s personal car as an official car!
The pettiness of the issues is clear proof of their desperation. Fearful that ‘failure’ would bring down the wrath of the powers that be upon them, they hurriedly scuttled about to come up with a case. It was no easy task...
More from my column in The Malaysian Insider
*image from the Wikimedia Commons
Adakah sesiapa yang boleh menyenaraikan kes kes rasuah yang masih lagi belum selesai, agar rakyat dapat memantau dari masa kesemasa sama adakah kes kes tersebut sudah di selesaikan atau belum. Contoh:
1. Kes wang persatuan isteri isteri wakil rakyat negeri Selangor.
2. Kes beli peralatan oleh kementerian di bawah YB Azalina.
3. Kes billboard di PJ
Dan beratus ratus lagi kes lain. Bagaimanapun list ini perlu di senaraikan oleh mereka yang betul
dapat memberikan latar belakang kes tersebut bukan sebagai contoh yang saya tulis di atas.
Kita semua sayangkan tanah air kita, apa yang dilakukan mestilah berdasarkan amal makruf nahi mungkar.
Salam hormat dari saya
Nadeswaran piece in The Sun yesterday highlighted a few of these outstanding cases against some of these kings horses and men.
The MACC chief must be grilled on the status of these cases. After all, he claims that he has never refused to answer questions.
It's ok to get things by hook or by crook. Just do it !
Kalau benar penyelewengan telah dilakukan,bukti perlu didapati..Masalahnya setiap tuduhan yang ditujukan kepada org perseorangan dan juga kumpulan oleh PR tidak cukup bukti..itu shaja...
Barang diingat apa yang menimpa PR selangor lebih2 MB selangor bermula dari sikap yang melampau mengambarkan diri mereka bersih,pejuang anti rasuah katanya.Dan apabila satu dua kes sudah timbul mula mengalih perhatian mengatakan BN mengkudakan SPRM utk menjatuhkan mereka..
PR yang mengkotorkan politik dgn mengangkat politik persepsi sebagai kebenaran.Dan sekarang ini jugalah politik persepsi ini sedang memakan diri mereka semula.
Kembali la pada ISlam.Suci kan hati dari fitnah dan adu domba..Sekiranya kita tidak pasti ianya benar atau tidak kepada Allah jua la kita memohon kebenaran.Kurang menuduh....memaki,mencarut dan sebagainya..Lebihkan tawadduk untuk membantu org susah dan membela agama ISlam.Janganla takbur..Komen ini juga bukan hanya pada PR shj tapi ditujukan kepada penyokong BN...
elok jikalau kiranya YB menyiarkan didalam blog ini tentang apa yang telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan pimpinan Mb TS Khalid sebagaimana yang dibuat didalam blog Kedah Lanie tentang kerajaan MB Nizar diPerak. elok untuk tontonan umum.
Sebab, walaupun saya anak Selangor dan tinggal di Selangor, agak kurang jelas tentang kebaikan yagn telah dibuat kepada rakyat.
rata2 saya baca diakhbar dan diblog, memang umum mengakui karisma dan kebaikan MB Nizar dan beliau disukai oleh semua rakyat Perak.
tapi, di Selangor ni.. saya kurang pasti. Bolehke YB tolong sikit dengan info2 positif.
sebab, saya rasa, walaupun apa yang dituduhkan terhadap MB TS Khalid itu mungkin remeh tetapi ianya tetap sesuatu yang not welcome at this juncture, damaged has been inflicted even if it's small. saya lebih cenderung supaya pemimpin PR itu bersih seperti TG Nik Aziz dan seperti MB2 Pas yang ada sekarang ini. It may be a tall order BUT it is the order of the day. Too bad if the other PR members cannot catch-up with it. too bad..
"God gave the strength and He can take it away. He gave it power to act and He can baffle its action of the fruits the individual sought and turn it to quite other results. This is so common an experience that we do not see how any man with the power of introspection can deny it. Only at ordinary times, when things seem to be moving according to our calculations, we forget it, but on certain occasions He manifests Himself with such force either in events or in our own actions that unless we are blinded by egoism or by infatuation we are compelled to perceive the universality of the force that is acting and the insignificance of the individual. So also there are particular movements in particular epochs in which the Divine Force manifests itself with supreme power shattering all human calculations, making a mock of the prudence of the careful statesman and the scheming politician, falsifying the prognostications of the scientific analyser and advancing with a vehemence and velocity which is obviously the manifestation of a higher than human force. The intellectual man afterwards tries to trace the reasons for the movement and lay bare the forces that made it possible, but at the time he is utterly at fault, his wisdom is falsified at every step and his science serves him not. These are the times when we say God is in the movement, He is its leader and it must fulfil itself however impossible it may be for man to see the means by which it will succeed."
Sri Aurobindo