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RM10.5 million for six former judges

By : V. Vasudevan and Eileen Ng

"...Mahfuz Omar (Pas-Pokok Sena) said while he did not deny that the judges deserved the money, he did not understand why they were given both ex gratia and pensions.

Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Maju) said "those who were sacked automatically lose their pensions".

In reply, Nazri said the six were not sacked but were asked to retire early.

"As a result, they would still be entitled to pensions."

Khalid Abdul Samad (Pas-Shah Alam) claimed that the payments proved executive interference in the judiciary.

"At the end of the day, we must ask ourselves, what are the lessons learnt?

"The amount is subjective, but what is important is to admit that at that time, there was abuse of power by the executive branch towards the judiciary," he said..."

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