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Pas denies racism, sexism for opposing PKNS boss

SHAH ALAM, Nov 1 - Denying racism or sexism for opposing Low Siew Moi's appointment as PKNS general manager, Pas Selangor commissioner Datuk Hassan Ali said it preferred "new blood" to manage the state corporation.

"I am prepared to support the appointment of a new PKNS general manager even if the person is not a Malay or a man, as long as they are professional and can provide a better future for PKNS," Hassan told the Siasah Daily news portal yesteday.

Hassan said his opinion was based on allegations that attacked the character of Low, who was corporate and accounts deputy general manager, and just-retired PKNS general manager Datuk Harun Salim.

His deputy, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, concurred that PKNS needed new blood.

"If we say that the PKNS management is bad, then I assume Madam Low is also bad as she is one of the senior managers there and not because she is not Malay. Anyone can lead PKNS as long as they understand its policies and aims and follow directives from the board led by the Menteri Besar," Khalid said.

"We don't want to appoint a Malay only to see the person not performing and causing Pakatan Rakyat trouble," he added.

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-Pejabat Khalid Samad-


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