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Hilangnya Penguasaan Melayu Di Tanah Air Sendiri?

Sebagai mengakhiri bahagian ke-3 ulasan saya di pagi hari (Raya) untuk kali ini, saya ingin mengambil petikan dari komen salah seorang pengunjung (Anon 3.06) untuk dijawab secara khusus. Petikannya adalah seperti berikut:-

“Perjanjian Hudaibiah bukanlah didalam kategori yang sama dengan isu bilangan MP bukan Islam lebih ramai dari MP Islam. Persetujuan anda akan membawa kepada hilangnya penguasaan kepimpinan Islam (tak kira Islam penuh atau fasik) dalam pemerintahan rakyat Malaysia. Anda jangan jadi bodoh (maaf), adakan anda rasa Islam boleh tersebar penuh dan berkembang dengan baik sekiranya negara yang 70% penduduknya Islam ditadbir oleh pemerintah yang 70%nya bukan Islam. Anda ini tidak ubah seperti barua-barua yang pernah menyebabkan bertambah hilangnya penguasaan orang Melayu ditanah air sendiri”.

Dalam sistem kerajaan Demokrasi Berparlimen, kerajaan terdiri dari 3 bahagian atau institusi utama iaitu ‘legislature’, ‘executive’ dan ‘judiciary’.

Parlimen adalah institusi ‘legislature’ atau penggubal undang2. Institusi ini terdiri dari semua MP, pemerintah dan pembangkang. Oleh itu, sekiranya MP PR majoritinya bukan Islam sekalipun, apabila dilihat institusi legislature sebagai satu institusi, iaitu Parlimen, ianya tetap dikuasai majoriti Islam. Ini adalah kerana MP UMNO adalah sebahagian dari institusi tersebut. Kerajaan BN tidak mengiktiraf peranan MP pembangkang kerana mereka tidak menghayati semangat sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen. MP pembangkang digambarkan sebagai tidak penting dan hanya pengacau. Kerajaan PR akan berbeza. Kehadiran MP pembangkang (UMNO) dihargai dan dimanfaatkan sebagai sebahagian suara orang Melayu yang akan diiktiraf.

Institusi kedua, ‘executive’ atau pelaksana ialah kabinet. Sekiranya syarat yang saya sebut di perenggan (II) 5 dipatuhi, maka institusi kedua ini juga adalah majoriti Islam.

Institusi ketiga, ‘judiciary’ adalah kehakiman. Institusi ini mungkin tidak berperanan secara terus dalam pemerintahan tetapi kewujudannya perlu demi menjamin sistem ‘check and balance’ (semak dan imbang) supaya rakyat mendapat pengadilan apabila diperlukan. Dalam pada itu, status majoriti Islam boleh dikekalkan untuk institusi ini juga.

Oleh itu, kalau kita memahami sistem kerajaan Demokrasi Berparlimen, kita akan memahami juga bahawa kedudukan Islam tidak tercabar walaupun sekiranya majoriti MP PR adalah bukan Islam. Ini adalah kerana ketiga-tiga institusi kekal majoriti Islam walaupun MP PR majoriti bukan Islam! Lebih-lebih lagi apabila sistem kita di Malaysia diperkukuhkan dengan institusi Raja Berpelembagaan dan juga peruntukan khas di dalam Perlembagaan yang menegaskan kedudukan Melayu dan Islam secara jelas.

Segala ketakutan yang di timbulkan adalah pada hakikatnya propaganda UMNO dan amat malang masih ada pemimpin-pemimpin PAS yang termakan propaganda tersebut. Ianya mungkin juga merupakan alasan yang boleh dimanfaatkan, memandangkan ramai tidak memahami, untuk menggagalkan usaha penubuhan kerajaan PR. Dan inilah apa yang merisaukan saya. Adakah ini semua hanya sebagai alasan untuk menggagalkan usaha penubuhan kerajaan PR kerana sudah ada satu agenda lain yang disorokkan buat seketika?

Soal 70% majoriti bukan Islam mungkin salah satu propaganda UMNO. Dari mana anta dapat angka in sheikh? Kalau tiada seorang MP Islam lompat sekalipun, kita dah ada hampir 40% dengan adanya 42 MP Islam yang sedia ada (tak ambil kira Ibrahim Ali). Sudah pasti akan ada beberapa MP Islam yang akan lompat maka perbezaan sekiranya minoriti sekalipun mungkin seorang dua. Maka 48% berbanding 52%. Itupun untuk 6 minggu pertama.

Lepas itu akan lompatlah MP UMNO sepertimana lompatnya kelasi dari kapal yang sedang karam!!!

Sila rujuk posting berkaitan: Persamaan Dengan Perjanjian Hudaibiyyah & Syarat 3M - Wajar Atau Tidak Dijadikan Syarat Mutlak

WaLlahu ‘Alam


Anonymous said…
What you said depends on so many people. You may be right that UMNO Mps are counted as malay-Muslim, but can you ensure they will act like malay-Muslim? Or they will probably blindly follow MCA/Gerakan/MIC?

It is the same for PR muslim-malay MP too. There are some who already shows they are afraid of losing non-Muslim supports. If any problem (regarding position of Malay-Muslim in Malaysia) occurs and Muslim-Malay MPs need to take stern actions, can you ensure that all Malay-Muslim MPs will support such motion? Or many will ignore as majority of their voters are non-Muslim?

Dont get me wrong. I understand your intention and strategy well, and in fact support it. But i would like to revise such plan first. Such plan involves high risks. Usually, it is very difficult to get back what we give to others (i.e. we give citizenship to non-Malay 50+ year ago, add more non-Bumi quotas). If we let non-Muslim MPs become majority this time, i am afraid things will continue like that forever.

Reminder! usually non-Muslim, especially Chinese has many tricks and traps. Study history to know more. And in most situations, they get more international supports than Muslim-Malay do.(which make things more difficult. Malay even faces difficulties to get Indoensian's support).

May Allah guide's us.
Anonymous said…
The assumption that if the majority of the MPs in the ruling coalition are represented by non-muslim, there will be an erosion of the muslim's right.

For this assumption to be valid, it has to be assumed that non-muslims are anti-muslim but is that valid? Is this assumption proven?

As far as I know, Lim Kit Siang made it very clear that DAP is not anti-Islam. As far as I know, most Chinese are more concern about making a living, their children's education rather than trying to cull Islam. Similarly for Indians, I think they would be more concerned about their livelihood, education opportunities rather than trying to frustration the daily routines and advancement of Islam.

Whether the ruling coalition consist mostly of muslim or otherwise, if the nation is administered in a just and fair manner, then we might find more policies and action that is consistent with the teaching of Islam and all other religion as well.

I don't think any non-muslim would want to challenge the position of Islam in Malaysia.

My personal view is that the position of Islam is an advantage because it will attract tourists and funds from the middle east but how come these cash rich people are shifting to Islamic banking in Singapore or buying Manchester City FC in England?

I am sure that Islam is safe and well in Malaysia. There is no need to be worried.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my brothers and sisters who are celebrating this festival.

Lee Wee Tak
Anonymous said…
"Reminder! usually non-Muslim, especially Chinese has many tricks and traps. Study history to know more. And in most situations, they get more international supports than Muslim-Malay do.(which make things more difficult. Malay even faces difficulties to get Indoensian's support)."

Mate, I am a yellow skin. If you want to put across a point like that, please give specific examples otherwise it is pure rhetoric and no substance...and work wonders for national unity and all that bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh that sort of thing....

Sure Chinese got lots of tricks & traps...what tricks? Chinese do magic shows, fancy cooking, chinese chess and face mask shows, mahjong, poisonous milk power .... what?

What tricks or traps have the Chinese used to make you uncomfortable?

Stidy history? Which part of Chinese history? What international support? Land grabbing that resulting in Boxer rebellion of 1900? Japanese invasion in 1937 and Allied assistance? Korean War of 1950-1953 with Soviet support? Economic Boom after Deng Xiao Peng's reform?

Oh yeah, back in the 1400's the Ming Emperor told the Siamese not to invade Melaka...was that the part of history you talking about? Or izzit the MCP struggle from 1948 till 1960 right up to 1989 where mostly chinese origin members also had Shamsiah Fakeh, Rashid Mydeen along that subcribed to Communism but not Communalism.

As much as I want to defend your right to have your own opinion, the least you could do is articulate it properly so I can understand and learn from you.

Salam Sejahtera.
Lee Wee Tak
Khalid Samad said…
The article was aimed at allaying any fears by those who insist on the Malay majority and as a result refuse to support the push for power. What I wished to say was very simple, as an institution the legislature (Parliament) as a whole, irrespective of PRs racial make-up, is predominantly Malay Muslim. Due to this there are therefore no grounds for the fears nor the need to post-pone the ascencion to power by the new government.

These people prefer BN to remain in power so that the interests of the Malays will not be jeopardised as BN has a majority Malay MP line-up within the Parliament. They believe these BN MPs will defend the interests of the common Malay. My argument is that they can defend these rights even when they are the opposition and their voice will count in the new government.
Anonymous said…
betul YB. Org org melayu takut hilang penguasaan kerana melihat dari segi bilangan MP non-muslim kelak, tetapi mereka juga lupa betapa seblum ini majority islam pun gagal membina nilai-nilai islam yg dihormati oleh bukan islam. Sehingga ada momokan....yg alim pun sapu duit, yg pakai tudung pun mencuri, yg berjanggut pun mengembik tak serupa bikin.

Kedua...kenapa la org melayu ni taksub sgt pasal org cina dan india sedgkan di cina dan india, umat islam lebih ramai dari malaysia. Ini menunjukkan bangsa ini boleh dibiak dalam suasana islam hanya jike pemimpin islam memberi contoh yg sgt terpuji. hakikatnya, kite fail ourselves.

Thirdly, sedangkan nasib umat sabah yg bermajoritikan MP muslim pun tak terbela, why talk about being afraid of losing power to non-muslim?

Fourth, why go by numbers of Muslim MP if they dont really have islam in their hearts? If better to have 30MP yg berjiwa besar dari 120 MP muslim yg berjiwa kecil.Kenapa tak ambil iktibar dari perang badar, uhud, ahzab. Berapa ramai pejuang islam jika dibandingkan dgn bukan islam. And why they won? Because islam telah merubah mereka menjadi truly pejuang, a hundred army can kill million enemies rather than million army afraid of losing to minorities.

Fifth, kalau india dan china byk taktik, then y dont we all out attract them with islam. They can be better. Seperti umar al-khattab yg ditakuti seblum islam, tapi islam make him better. In fact, nik aziz pun berharap one day chinese muslim lead pas. so, he sees from bigger pictures rather than certain opportunist in PAS who sees from racial perspective..Why??? Dont they become so arrogant by proodly claim themselve as muslim? Where is their belas kasihan to them, where is their desire to attract them for islam? where is it?

Tak kira how big is yr amal..angkuh itu sahabat syaitan yg nyata....

to YB, i suuport u and dont worry about all the mess against u...

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